Concomitant unilateral Duane retraction syndrome and contralateral Brown’s syndrome

Arash Mir Mohammad Sadeghi1 *, Sahel Soltani1 , Mohammad Reza Akbari1

  1. Eye Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Abstract: To report a case of unilateral DRS and contralateral Brown’s syndrome.

Methods: none

Results: A 10 years old boy was introduced with a chief complaint of ocular misalignment from birth. The patient showed approximately 10 degrees of left face turn. The patient has 10 PD right hypotropia and 20 PD esotropia. V pattern was apparent. The right eye showed the limitation of elevation in adduction. The abduction of left eye was limited, associated with globe retraction in adduction. (Fig. 1) Right and left head tilts did not show any change in ocular misalignment. Forced duction testing was positive for superior oblique muscle in the right eye. The examinations indicated right Brown’s and left Duane retraction syndrome.

Conclusion: We proposed that a teratogenic damage in a specific period of pregnancy or genetic mutation may be responsible for this combination. The concomitant presentation of both syndromes in one case can support the theory of vascular insult.


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