contact lens wearers compliance in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

Ali Ayatollahi1 , Saeid Abdi1 , Seyed Amirhossein Mirfendereski2 *

  1. Department of Optometry, School of Rehabilitation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
  2. Novindidegan Eye Clinic, Tehran, Iran.

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the behaviors, attitudes, and concerns of contact lens wearers during the Covid 19 epidemic.

Methods: During the period of May 16 to August 13, 2021, a 56-item anonymous online survey was distributed. The survey explored: a) demographic characteristics (sex, age, and general health, b) changes in their contact lens use during the Covid 19 pandemic, c) hygiene and contact lens compliance, and d) concerns associated with contact lens wear and ways to support wearers during the pandemic.

Results: 126 lens wearers participated in this study and completed a questionnaire (26.9 ± 12.4 years old, 71% female). self-isolating or rigorously following social distancing advice were indicated by 52% of the subjects. 58% of participants reported using their contact lenses less during the pandemic. Respondents were found to be compliant with handwashing prior to inserting and removing contact lenses (in both cases 97% did this 'most times' or 'every time'). 62% of participants replaced the lens case every 3 months. Also, 22% did not consider ceasing lens wear if feeling unwell with flu/cold symptoms.

Conclusion: During the covid 19 epidemic, optometrists and ophthalmologists should continue to educate contact lens wearers about how to wear their lenses safely to reduce the risk of acquiring contact lens-related problems. Handwashing for at least 20 seconds before handling lenses, drying hands with single-use paper towels, lens case cleaning and renewal, avoidance of water exposure, and when to stop wearing lenses during the covid 19 pandemic are all modifiable factors that require special attention.


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