The Comparison of Efficacy of Intravitreal Injection of Iranian Made Ranibizumab (Vicentis)with Imported Ranibizumab (Lucentis) in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema: Double-blind Noninferiority Clinical Randomized Trial    

Mehdi Modarreszadeh1 *, hoshang faghihi2 , ahad sedaghat3 , nazanin adidi aghdam2 , Hamid Riazi Esfahani 2 , pasha anvari1 , fatemeh abdi1 , reza mirshahi1 , fatemeh bazvand2 , sayyed amirpooya Alemzadeh1

  1. Eye Research Center, The Five Senses Institute Rassoul Akram Hospital , Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  2. Eye Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  3. Eye Research Center, The Five Senses Health Institute, Rassoul Akram Hospital , Iran University, of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: The Comparison of Efficacy of Intravitreal Injection of Iranian Made Ranibizumab (Vicentis)with Imported Ranibizumab (Lucentis) in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema: Double-blind Noninferiority Clinical Randomized Trial    

Methods: The trial has a parallel-arm design. Eligible participants with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, at least 18 years old The primary outcome measures changes in CMT compared to the baseline. The central macular thickness will define by the average thickness of a central macular region 1,000 μm in diameter centered on the patient’s foveola. Secondary outcome measures include a change in best-corrected logMAR visual acuity, complication includes IOP rise, cataract progression, intraocular inflammation, and any other serious adverse effect. First arm: An Intravitreal injection of 0.5mL (400μg) of Ranibizumab (Visentis, Iranian made) Second arm: An intravitreal injection of Ranibizumab of 0.5mL (400μg) (Lucentis) Group sample sizes of 77 and 77 achieve 90% power to detect non-inferiority using a one-sided, two-sample t-test. The margin of non-inferiority is 40.00 μm

Results: Till now 130 patients were recruited and we report the outcome of 95 patients with a one-month follow-up. The mean age of patients was 60.01? 8.62 years. The youngest one was 36 and the oldest was 75 years old. The mean age in group A was 59.77?8.31 and in the group, B was 59.43? 9.01. The central macular thickness in group A decreased from 496.81 ? 136.75?m to 378.76 ? 95.19?m (P<0.001). The central macular thickness in group B decreased significantly from505.70 ? 164.65?m to378.17 ? 114.18 ?m (P<0.001). The between-group analysis showed no significant differences. (P>0.05) Mean Visual Acuity in Group A from0.64 ? 0.28 LogMAR in baseline decreased significantly to 0.53 ? 0.30 LogMAR (P=0.001). Mean Visual Acuity in Group B from 0.56 ? 0.27 LogMAR in baseline decreased to 0.47 ? 0.26 LogMAR (P=0.01). The between-group analysis showed no significant differences. (P>0.05). The point estimate of the mean CMT difference between groups was -9.35?m before imputation and -7.21?m after imputation (cf 95% -55-41?m). No serious adverse effect was reported.

Conclusion: One intravitreal injection of Iranian made ranibizumab was found to be safe and effective to original medication


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